Richland County

War of 1812

Some Military Land Grants for Soldiers of the War of 1812

Arthur, James * Regiment: Andrew’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: James Arthur

Bates, David * Regiment: Rowland’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: David Bates
Bates, Ezekiel * Regiment: 4th Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: Ezekiel Bates
Bean, Thomas * Regiment: Virginia Militia * Granted to: Thomas Bean
Beckwith, Benjamin * Regiment: 5th Regiment New York Militia * Granted to: Benjamin Beckwith
Blakesley, Lorin * Regiment: New York Militia * Granted to: Lorin Blakesley
Bratton, George * Regiment: Indiana Militia * Granted to: George Bratton
Bristow, Peyton * Regiment: Hendricks’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: Peyton Bristow

Caldwell, James * Regiment: Stephen’s Company Tennessee Gunmen * Granted to: James Caldwell
Campbell, Samuel * Regiment: Kentucky Militia WAYNE’S WAR& 1812 * Granted to: Samuel Campbell
Carpenter, Daniel A. * Regiment: Warren’s Company New Hampshire Volunteers * Granted to: Daniel A. Carpenter
Caveler, Amistread * Regiment: Revick’s Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: Armistread Caveler
Check, James * Regiment: 4th Regiment Indiana Rangers * Granted to: James Check
Cramer, David * Regiment: Ohio Militia * Granted to: David Cramer
Creel, David * Regiment: 2nd Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: David Creel
Cropper, James * Regiment: Bartlett’s Company Kentucky Militia Wayne’s War * Granted to: James Cropper
Cuckler, Samuel * Regiment: McElroy’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: Samuel Cuckler
Cullers, Henry * Regiment: 4th Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: Henry Cullers
Cullins, George * Regiment: 27th Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: George Cullins
Cumming, Peter W. * Regiment: 1st Regiment Ohio Volunteers * Granted to: Peter W. Cummings
Cutting, Linus * Regiment: Ohio Volunteers * Granted to: Linus Cutting

Deckard, Phillip * Regiment: Moreland’s Company Pennsylvania Militia * Granted to: Phillip Deckard
Dike, Wm * Regiment: Hoover’s Company New York Militia * Granted to: Wm Dike

Eakin, John * Regiment: Duncan’s Company Tennessee Volunteers * Granted to: John Eakin
Elkins, Josiah * Regiment: Indiana Volunteers * Granted to: Josiah Elkins
Elliott, Robert * Regiment: 1st Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: Robert Elliott

Fisher, David * Regiment: Andrew’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: David Fisher
Freyermuth, Peter * Regiment: George Militia * Granted to: Peter Freyermuth

Gardner, Joseph * Regiment: 4th Regiment Indiana Rangers * Granted to: Joseph Gardner
Gardner, Richard * Regiment: Anderson’s Company Georgia Militia * Granted to: Richard Gardner
Gardner, Thomas * Regiment: 4th Regiment Indiana Rangers * Granted to: Thomas Gardner
Gilkeson, Jonathan * Regiment: Ohio Volunteers & Black Hawk War * Granted to: Jonathan Gilkerson
Gilliam, Patterson * Regiment: Hayden’s Company Virginia Militia * Granted to: Patterson Gilliam
Goss, Mathias * Regiment: Ramsey’s Company Illinois Militia * Granted to: Mathias Goss
Green, Elijah S. * Regiment: United States Infantry * Granted to: Elijah S. Green
Griffin, Robert * Regiment: 10th Regiment Kentucky Militia * Granted to: Robert Griffin

Hamm, John * Regiment: 27th Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: John Hamm
Harrington, Charles * Regiment: Indiana Mounted Rangers * Granted to: Charles Harrington
Harris, Wm * Regiment: Kentucky Militia * Granted to: Wm Harris
Hill, Wm * Regiment: 8th Regiment Virginia Volunteers * Granted to: Wm Hill
Houston, Alexander M. * Regiment: Beck’s Company Indiana Militia * Granted to: Alexander M. Houston
Humphries, John * Regiment: 39th Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: John Humphries

Ivie, Curtis * Regiment: Ellison’s Company Kentucky Volunteers * Granted to: Curtis Ivie

Jervell, Jesse * Regiment: 28th Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: Jesse Jervell
Johnson, James * Regiment: Hargrove’s Company Indiana Volunteers * Granted to: James Johnson
Jolly, James * Regiment: Barber’s Regiment Kentucky Volunteers * Granted to: James Jolly
Jones, Samuel * Regiment: Johnston’s Company Maryland Militia * Granted to: Samuel Jones

Kee, Caleb * Regiment: Finley’s Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: Caleb Kee
Kirkpatrick, James * Regiment: Phillip’s Company Kentucky Militia * Granted to: James Kirkpatrick
Klingensmith, Joseph * Regiment: Mann’s Company Pennsylvania Militia * Granted to: Joseph Klingensmith

Lane, Joseph * Regiment: [South’s?] New Jersey Militia * Granted to: Joseph Lane
Littleton, Thomas * Regiment: [Gibson’s?] Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: Thomas Littleton
Loder, Benjamin * Regiment: Ohio Militia * Granted to: Benjamin Loder

Mann, John * Regiment: 16th Regiment Kentucky Militia * Granted to: John Mann
Marney, Robert R. * Regiment: Hargrove’s Company Indiana Rangers * Granted to: Robert R. Marney
Master, John * Regiment: 19th Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: John Master
McKanney, David * Regiment: Johnson’s Regiment Tennessee Militia * Granted to: David McKanney
Merewether, Samuel * Regiment: Kentucky Infantry * Granted to: Samuel Merewether
Metcalfe, Thomas [Captain] * Regiment: Kentucky Volunteers * Granted to: Thomas Metcalfe
Montgomery, John * Regiment: Warrick’s Company Indiana Militia Tippecanoe War * Granted to: John Montgomery
Morgan, Joseph * Regiment: 1st Regiment Tennessee Volunteers * Granted to: Joseph Morgan
Morgan, Joseph * Regiment: Dill’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: Joseph Morgan
Morrison, George W. * Regiment: 15th Regiment Maryland Militia * Granted to: George W. Morrison

Newsum, Joseph * Regiment: Johnson’s Company Indiana Militia * Granted to: Joseph Newsum

O’Brien, John * Regiment: Wilson’s Company Vermont Militia * Granted to: John O’Brien
Owen, Wm * Regiment: 6th Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: Wm Owen

Palmer, George * Regiment: Allen’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: George Palmer
Perry, John D. * Regiment: 3rd Regiment Pennsylvania Militia * Granted to: John D. Perry
Peters, Isaac * Regiment: Boyd’s Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: Isaac Peters
Plestly, Frederick * Regiment: 2nd Regiment Pennsylvania Militia * Granted to: Frederick Plestly
Porter, Phillip * Regiment: Rop’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: Phillip Porter
Potter, Samuel * Regiment: Pennsylvania Militia * Granted to: Samuel Potter
Powell, Horace * Regiment: 13th Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: Horace Powell
Powell, John G. * Regiment: 3rd Regiment Pennsylvania Militia * Granted to: John G. Powell
Powers, Asahel * Regiment: Adams’ Company Vermont Militia * Death: before 1853 * Granted to: Sophia Powers widow

Reel, Henry * Regiment: Robb’s Company Indiana Militia * Granted to: Henry Reel
Rice, Joel * Regiment: Gregory’s Company Ohio Militia * Death: before 1852 * Granted to: Tamer Rice
Ridgley, Samuel * Regiment: 3rd Regiment Maryland Militia * Granted to: Samuel Ridgley
Ripple, Michael * Regiment: Stroke’s Company Kentucky Militia * Granted to: Michael Rippl;e
Roush, George * Regiment: Key’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: George Roush

Sever, Job * Regiment: 2nd Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: Job Sever
Sharp, James E. * Regiment: Johnson’s Company Indiana Militia * Granted to: James E. Sharp
Sherrer, Phillip * Regiment: 4th Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: Phillip Sherrer
Sloan, John * Regiment: Gregory’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: John Sloan
Smith, Jesse * Regiment: 33rd Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: Jesse Smith
Smith, Robert R. * Regiment: 24th Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: Robert R. Smith
South Peter * Regiment: Ohio Militia * Granted to: Peter South
Stacy, John * Regiment: Virginia Militia * Granted to: John Stacy
Stanley, Thomas * Regiment: 1st Ohio Militia * Death: before 1852 * Granted to: Elizabeth Stanley widow
Starr, James * Regiment: Kirkwood’s Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: James Starr
Stewart, Thomas * Regiment: Smith’s Virginia Volunteers * Granted to: Thomas Stewart
Storey, Thomas * Regiment: Gillespie’s Company Kentucky Militia * Granted to: Thomas Storey
Stump, George * Regiment: 6th Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: George Stump
Swearengen, James S. * Regiment: United States Army * Granted to: James S. Swearengen

Tally, Isaac * Regiment: Taylor’s Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: Isaac Tally
Tarbutton, Eli * Regiment: Finley’s Regiment Ohio Militia * Granted to: Eli Tarbutton
Tarpley, Pleasant * Regiment: Tennessee Volunteers * Granted to: Pleasant Tarpley
Tibbetts, John * Regiment: George’s Company Maine Militia * Granted to: John Tibbetts
Trop, Henry * Regiment: Davis’ Company Ohio Militia * Granted to: Henry Trop
Tuttle, James * Regiment: Stephenson’s Ohio Militia * Granted to: James Tuttle
Tyron, Elijah * Regiment: 13th Regiment United States Infantry * Granted to: Elijah Tyron

Utterback, Thomas * Regiment: Davis’ Regiment Kentucky Militia * Granted to: Thomas Utterback

Wallace, Zebulon * Regiment: Williams’ Company Ohio Rifles * Granted to: Zebulon Wallace
Walser, George * Regiment: Shultz’ Company Indiana Rangers * Granted to: George Walser
Wheeler, Edward * Regiment: Tennessee Mounted Rifles * Granted to: Edward Wheeler
Whitaker, Daniel * Regiment: Estes’ Company Ohio Militia * Death: before 1852 * Granted to: Catherine Whitaker widow
Wiley, James * Regiment: New Jersey Militia * Granted to: James Wiley
Winkle, Henry * Regiment: 8th Regiment Virginia Militia * Granted to: Henry Winkle
Wilson, Wm * Regiment: Hough’s Company Virginia Militia * Granted to: Wm Wilson
Wood, James * Regiment: Allen’s Company Tennessee Volunteers * Granted to: James Wood

Yearout, John * Regiment: Duncan’s Company Tennessee Militia * Granted to: John Yearout
Young, Reuben * Regiment: Tinsley’s Company United States Army Wayne's War* Death: before 1855 * Granted to: Rosanna Young widow

Some Military Land Grants for Soldiers of the Indian Wars

Arnsdork, George * Regiment: Bird’s Company Georgia Militia Florida War * Granted to: George Arnsdork

Bristow, James * Regiment: Branton’s Company Indiana Militia Black Hawk War * Granted to: James Bristow

Carver, Vincent * Regiment: Tucker’s Company Florida Volunteers Florida War * Granted to: Vincent Carver
Cassada, Isaac * Regiment: 4th Regiment Indiana Mounted Riflemen Black Hawk War * Granted to: Isaac Cassada

Delzell, Robert * Regiment: Tennessee Volunteers Creek War * Granted to: Robert Delzell

Eagleson, Wm * Regiment: 3rd Regiment United States Infantry Florida War * Granted to: Wm Eagleson
Eccles, Wm W. * Regiment: 4th Regiment United States Volunteers Florida War * Granted to: Wm W. Eccles

Gaddy, John * Regiment: Arnold’s Company Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: John Gaddy

Haley, Patrick * Regiment: Butler’s Company Ordnance Corps Florida War * Granted to: Patrick Haley
Hand, Charles J. * Regiment: Indiana Militia Black Hawk War * Granted to: Charles J. Hand
Harney, David D. * Regiment: Illinois Militia Black Hawk War * Granted to: David D. Harney
Horszle, Landelin * Regiment: 6th Regiment United States Infantry Florida War * Granted to: Landelin Horszle

Johnson, James A. * Regiment: 2nd Regiment United States Dragon Florida War * Granted to: James A. Johnson

Lewis, Stephen C. * Regiment: 2nd Regiment Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Death: before 1851 * Granted to: Sarah Lewis widow
Logan, Alexander * Regiment: 2nd Regiment Illinois Militia Black Hawk War * Granted to: Alexander Logan

McClean, James * Regiment: 2nd Illinois Mounted Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: James McClean
McGown, Stephen * Regiment: 2nd Regiment United States Infantry Florida War * Granted to: Stephen McGown
Mitchell, Wm * Regiment: 3rd Mounted Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Death: before 1853 * Granted to: Mary Mitchell

Payne, Wm * Regiment: 3rd Regiment United States Infantry Florida War * Granted to: Wm Payne

Rawlings, Shadrach * Regiment: Adams’ Company Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Death: before 1853 * Granted to: Mary Rawlings
Ridgley, Wm * Regiment: 2nd Regiment Illinois Mounted Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: Wm Ridgley

Shepherd, John * Regiment: Clark’s Company Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: John Shepherd
Smiley, Samuel * Regiment: Indiana Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: Samuel Smiley
Smith, John O. * Regiment: Arnold’s Company Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Death: before 1853 * Granted to: Hannah Smith
Spencer, Wm B. * Regiment: Green’s Company Illinois Mounted Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: Wm B. Spencer
Spring, Henry * Regiment: Mading’s Company Illinois Volunteers Black Hawk War * Granted to: Henry Spring
Stewart, John * Regiment: United States Rangers Black Hawk War * Granted to: John Stewart

West, Thomas L. * Regiment: Robb’s Company Indiana Volunteers Black Hawk War * Death: before 1853 * Granted to: Ann West
Williams, Wm * Regiment: Alabama Volunteers Florida War * Granted to: Wm Williams
Woods, Wm * Regiment: Indiana Mounted Rangers Black Hawk War * Granted to: Wm Woods

Contributed 16 Nov 2010 by Linda S. Ayres

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